Authentic Executive Portraits

A good executive portrait begins with an authentic conversation. Who are you?  What do you like?  What are your passions?   A good portrait communicates empathy and authority.

Why are executive portraits critical?  Because they reflect your brand – basically who you are to your customer.  You spend thousands of dollars on a website – why have a have poorly lit cell-phone image be what your customer sees.

When planning an executive portrait – here is what’s important:

  • Choose the right background.  If you are a corporate professional, a boardroom works great.  An executive chef – a commercial kitchen.  A dog trainer – gotta have your dog.
  • Wear the right clothes.  I always have clients bring multiple outfits to a photoshoot.  Different looks can be used for different purposes.
  • Good lighting is critical.  I always bring flashes/studio lighting to a photoshoot.
  • Connect with the audience.  I want to see a look that shows confidence and professionalism.
  • Take more than a headshot.  You want your customers to see who you are.  All my portraits can be cropped to also deliver high-quality headshots.